Government Should Not Tolerate Cultism
his article originally
titled “Cultism in Ebubu: The Way Forward” was first published on the website, www.ollorwi.com.ng on Monday 13 January, 2014. It is modified
and reproduced here to move us to ask ourselves what we have done as a people since
then to provide solutions to the lingering cult clashes in Ebubu.
Cultists are group of persons or illegal gang that operates
underworld and without public recognition that may be violent in nature against
nonmembers especially when a member or group inordinate needs and demands are
not met. Cultism is a cankerworm that has eaten deep into the fabric of the
Nigerian society and has shattered the once serene Ebubu clan. In recent
times we have recorded over thirty painful cult related deaths. While some
were shot dead; others were strangled to death, yet others died in cult
associated fatal road mishap during the burial of a victim of cultists’
Apart from the display of shame, the Ebubu
Cult Crisis from August 8 to September 29, 2013 resulted in the dead of over 30
people; a hundred families and two hundred and twenty individuals were
displaced; about 10 others were injured; properties worth over 1billion Naira were
damaged and the socio-economic life of Ebubu completely paralyzed.
The recent clashes between two rival cult
groups have killed more than 10 people and completely shut down Ebubu as the
place has been totally evacuated by both indigenes and residents. All shops and
businesses in Ebubu have been forced to close as the cultists adopt new
strategy of robbing and raping, in addition to terrorizing law abiding citizens.
All markets in Ebubu have been under lock and keys for the past two months. The
doors of most schools in Ebubu have remained close since the resumption of
schools in the state this term.
There have accusations and counter-accusations between the Chiefs
and the Police. While the Police are accusing the chiefs of not giving them
enough information and help in their fight against cultism, the Chiefs are pointing
accusing fingers at the Police for aiding and abetting the crime of cultism in
Ebubu. A Chief was recently quoted as saying, “… anytime we call them (the Police),
the team of policemen will switch on their siren about two kilometers away informing
the people (cultists) they were coming.
“Many of them bought lands from these boys and so any policeman
that has served up to five years in Eleme needs transfer in order to bring peace
in Eleme because they have been so used to these boys….”
The Ebubu Youth President, Comrade Atonseobari Ojinga,
corroborated the allegations of complicity in the war against cultism in Ebubu
leveled against the Eleme Police. He observed that “the time lag in responding
to distress calls by police from Ogale or Onne provides opportunity for these
criminals to operate and escape before the arrival of the police”. He went on
to repeat the call on the Rivers State Government to provide a Police Station in
Severally, the Chiefs of Ebubu have been arrested and severally
they have been released for lack of complicity in the cult clashes that has
sacked the community. What next? Going back to the basis is suggested. We must
understand what cultism is all about. The environmental and social factors that
give rise to cultism, the foundations and nurturing processes; the motivations
and perceived benefits that attract and sustain recruits, and give them the
morale to commit atrocities.
Of the five categories of cults in Nigeria
namely: classical confraternities, mafia cults, female cults, godfathers’ cults
and terrorists’ cults, two are present and operational in Ebubu. These are
godfather’s cults and terrorist’s cults. Godfatherism is fast growing secret
cult in Eleme, that s usually prominent before, during and after elections. The
godfathers lure these innocent youths with drugs and monetary inducement and
further promises to shield them, give them political appointments and huge
monetary rewards which usually turn out to be ruse. And for fear of reprisal
these guns and ammunitions are never withdrawn but left in the hands of these
criminals and bandits with which they perpetuate violence in the
The cultists in Ebubu concern themselves with
perpetuating crimes and fear of crimes by constantly terrorizing law abiding
citizens, disposing them of their properties, rape and killing. The ancient
city became deserted when the cultists introduced robbing and rape into their operating
The chiefs and elders’ attempt to use “Ogbe”
to control arms bearing and other violent crimes failed due to high level of
insincerity displaced by the traditional rulers, Chiefs and Elders. The fear by
some of these chiefs that their family may be victimized due to their complicity
in the cult crisis necessitated the quick removal of the “Ogbe”. And the secret
revocation of the “Ogbe”, brought about the collapsed of traditional authority
as things felled apart.
However, during the 2013 cult clashes, efforts
marshaled by few traditional rulers who were at home with the assistant of the then
Executive Chairman of Eleme Local Government Council, Hon. Oji N. Ngofa to use
intelligence and law enforcement resources to control these youths yielded
positive results and provided the platform for the majority of the Traditional
Rulers, Chiefs, Elders, citizens and residents on self-exile to return home.
It is clear that the Ebubu Youth Council
Caretaker Committee have failed to address the Ebubu Cult crisis, the major
problem it was created to solve. This failure is a clear manifestation of the
rot in our system and the danger in politicizing youth leadership.
I predicted thus in 2013, ‘As peace is
gradually returning, it will be disservice to the Eleme nation, if we wait
until these young boys and girls get further loose, relocate to “Ɔpε” or into the creeks and consolidate to
unleash greater havoc on the masses before we act. The invocation of
“Ete Ɔpᴐᴐ” (Traditional Mace) and “Nkpᴐrᴐ” (Traditional
Staff) are but temporary measures likely to fail as did “Ogbe”’.
The problems of rising cases of cultism and
insecurity in Ebubu in particular and Eleme in general can be traced to so many
factors. Some of these factors are:
Intermittent Communal Crises between Eleme and Okrika
These crises encouraged the procurement of guns
and knives proof charms for majority of the youths to protect them during these
wars. The cessation of hostilities did not terminate the potency or otherwise
of the charms. Majority of these youths still believe that they are invisible,
that they are guns and matches resistant. The crises also exposed the youths to
places where they can procure these charms.
The police and other law enforcement agencies should step up
their intelligence mechanism and expand their investigative tentacles to
uncover these native doctors/medicine men as part of the processes of
containing the menace of cultism in Eleme. The traditional rulers can be
helpful in this regard.
2. Chieftaincy Tussle and Acrimony among the Chiefs
Chieftaincy tussle and acrimony among the
chiefs of Ebubu have assumed an alarming state. It is a cold war that many do
not know it exist yet its impact is being fetched in the activities of these
young boys and girls who are being misled for their sponsors’ selfish goal.
Government must address the emerging time bomb in Ebubu and in other clans and
communities of Eleme before it explodes and consume us all.
Government must step in to solve the problems
of acrimony among the chiefs in Ebubu to avoid total breakdown of law and
order. The rising fire can be felt by careful observers, especially security
experts who cannot claim ignorance of the danger posed by increasing
chieftaincy tussle and acrimony in Ebubu.
3. Rivalry Among Youths’ Bodies
The way and manner most of the youth’s bodies in Ebubu were
elected and inaugurated left much to be desired. In most communities that
constitute Ebubu due processes were not followed. Besides, political
considerations and personal interests took prominence over transparency, common
sense, and community interests. The results are rising cult related killings,
crimes and general fear of crimes. The government owes it a duty to check undue
rivalry among the youths by ensuring that where due processes were not followed
to elect and constitute a youth body, something is done to address the
shortcomings so as to carry everybody along and promote the spirit of
comradeship and brotherhood among the youths.
The politicians should reconsider their present stand of seeing
youths and youth bodies as standing armies with which to win elections; and
therefore must manipulate youth elections’ processes so as to install cronies
and empower them in preparations for elections. This
mindset has robbed Elemeland of peace and purposeful leadership. Community
leadership, at all levels, is the purview of Council of Chiefs and Elders. The
earlier we understand this the better it will be for Eleme.
Also, towards this end, the traditional rulers should wake up
from their slumber or sleep and invoke appropriate traditional instruments in
exercise of their powers. Traditional stool is not met for those alienated from
what makes
the people unique in their own way.
This trend, if left unchecked, the politicians will soon usurp
the powers of Ogbo Nkpᴐrᴐ in the selection and installation of traditional
rulers; they will decide who becomes a Land Priest/Traditional Prime Minister);
and they will also choose who leads Egbara Eta and Mba Eta. Developments that
will further provoke our ancestors, split our generation, and retard our
Social Decay
The general collapse of the value system,
disregard for human life, lack of respect for elders and constituted
authorities, absence of the once cherished spirit of communal love and peaceful
coexistence, and total alienation of the youth from customs and tradition of
the people of Eleme due to rapid industrialization and shameless display of
ill-gotten wealth are major contributory factors to the uncontrollable
incidents of cult induced killings and wide spread terrorism in Ebubu that
needed urgent remedy through reorientation and reawakening.
5. Unemployment
An idle mind is the devil’s workshop says a
popular adage. The rate of unemployment in Ebubu is alarming. You need to take
a walk around the community any afternoon and see for yourself the number of
youths idling away doing nothing. Something need to be done and quickly too to
address the problem of unemployment in Ebubu.
The level of illiteracy in Ebubu is very high
compare to other clans of Eleme. This may sound embarrassing and unacceptable
to some of us, but, we must tell ourselves the truth for once. There is urgent
need for the government to device ways of getting our youths back to school. An
educated mind cannot be easily convinced into carrying weapons to terminate the
life of a fellow human being or destroy properties maliciously. Government
should look in this direction as part of long term solutions to insecurity in
Ebubu and Eleme generally.
7. Desperate Politicians
It may seem myopic or even unspeakable, but
the fact is that some desperate politicians are behind the cult crises in Ebubu
either during the preparation for the launch of their political ambition or to
propagate their popularity or to wrestle political mandate from opponents, or
to keep stolen mandate. Whatever way, ignorantly, though, they should be told
in clear terms that what they are doing tantamount to building terrorists cell
and is against the law of this country especially the provisions of the
Terrorism Prevention Act of 2011.
8. Laxity on the Parts of Law Enforcement
The laxity on the part of law enforcement
arises from the failure of intelligence security and the gap existing between
the Police, Neighborhood Guards and the citizens. The State Security
Service (SSS) as plain clothes force should as a matter of priority sit up to
its responsibility by gathering real time intelligence that will help check
these cultists and criminals. They can create a local ruse force to conduct
pseudo operations among these youths. There is urgent need for greater presence
and interactions in the communities, use of non-law enforcement resources that
breaks cultural, language and information barriers and promotes trust and
common goal.
Besides, the animosity and struggle for
supremacy between the SSS and the Police in Eleme which is visible and which
has robbed them the sharing of intelligence and other information over the
years, must be resolved now if the security agencies must deliver on their
9. Drug Abuse and Addiction
A walk along any street in Ebubu in particular
and Eleme in general will reveal immediately the harm hard drugs has done to
our young boys and girls. There is virtually no street in Ebubu without at
least three to five drinking joints and a hard drugs dispensing closet. Most
cult related violence is traceable to effects of hard drugs. Security agencies
must brace up to the fight against drug abuse in the area. Identification and
rehabilitation of addicts is not out of place as part of immediate solution.
10. Arms
The proliferation of small arms in Eleme is of
great concern to security practitioners. While many of these arms can be traced
to the Eleme and Okrika/Ogu communal conflicts as pointed out earlier, others
are linked to the recent Niger Delta “militants for negotiation for
development” operations. Still others were purchased by the criminally minded
to terrorized innocent citizens and residents and dispose them of their
belongings. There is therefore urgent need for the government to put all
necessary machinery into motion to mop-up these arms. Arm for money
strategy is recommended here propelled by the spirit of conditional amnesty.
Influx of Displaced Waterfronts’ Residents
The demolition of waterfronts in
Port Harcourt and its environs and the sacking of the residents created
hundreds of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Rivers State. This
development resulted in mass movement of different types of people into Ebubu
and contributed immensely to rising cases crimes in the area. The social decays
which prompted the sacking of these waterfronts are known to all of us. These
evils find their way into Ebubu and the result is increasing cult cases, armed
robbery, rapping and other crimes.
The inability of the Rivers State
Government to provide alternative settlements for these internally displaced
persons coupled with the lack of adequate arrangement to mitigate the diverse
negative impacts of unplanned mass movement of people into Ebubu is worrisome,
and therefore calls for immediate attention to addressing the increasing
security challenges arising therefrom.
It is therefore not out of place
to call on the authorities of Eleme Local Government to do something about “Trailer
Park” in Ejamah Ebubu which has become the den of criminals in the
area. Attention should also be focused on the security red spots in Alesa,
Agbonchia, Akpajo, and Onne that are fast emerging as criminals breeding
centers in Eleme.
Cultism is a thorn
in the flesh of the people and a clog in the wheel of progress of Ebubu Clan.
To eradicate this monster, the family, school and church must accept
their responsibilities of providing good basic home training, moral and
spiritual orientation to the children. The government must eradicate those
issues that give rise to crimes and social decay, while law enforcement agencies should
ensure that any person who falls short of the law faces the rod of the law.
This will create and sustain sanity in our society.
It is now the duty of
the various stakeholders in Ebubu Clan to avoid a repetition of the ugly
experience of the past which led to breakdown of law and order, and work
towards ensuring lasting peace in the area. This, they could do by constantly
and continuously monitoring the youth bodies in the area and calling them to
order whenever they are derailing.
The chiefs on their
part are also advised to institute an effective and efficient peer review
mechanism to prevent what might be detrimental to the fragile peace in the
The Rivers State
Government should also consider the request of the traditional rulers, chiefs,
elders and opinion leaders of Ebubu Clan concerning establishing a Police Post
in the area. Considering the rapid industrialization that is taking place in
the area and uncontrollable influx of people from various parts of the world
and the country into Ebubu the request for a police station in the area is not
out of place but a priority. Police presence is a good deterrent.
Let it be pointed out
here that a place have been donated by the people, it has been inspected and
confirmed suitable by the police authority in Eleme. What is delaying the
approval and take off of the Police Post in Ebubu?
While appreciating the
efforts of the Council Chairman and Chiefs and Elders of Ebubu to checkmate the
menace of cultism, it is pertinent to call on all concerned stakeholders to
ensure that the passion and zeal demonstrated in the course of searching for
workable solutions to the problems of cultism is not abandoned midway as that
will be more disastrous.
It is also important to
call on the Federal Government to consider addressing those long term factors
that gave rise to cultism in the areas such as illiteracy, unemployment, and frustration
in addition to the short term solutions being implemented.
The Wike government should not tolerate cultism
in any part of Rivers State. The government should as a matter of priority encourage
the communities to implement zero tolerance to cultism and other vices. The
government can only do this by ensuring that anybody caught, no matter from
which home he comes, gets an appropriate punishment. Community leadership needs
the support of government, law enforcement agencies, and parents to ride the
villages of cultists and other bandits. That is, to solve social decay, all
stakeholders must cooperate with community leaders so that they can maintain
the required discipline.
If parents monitor their children well, they
will be under their control. Besides, the government should improve on
deliverance of the much talk about dividends of democracy by ensuring that
security and welfare of the people are given prominence. Rivers Youths deserve
quality education and employment, uninterrupted electricity supply, water and
roads, quality health facilities, clean environment and other social
infrastructures that guarantee acceptable standards of living for all.
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