Monday, 5 May 2014

Two Abducted Chibok Schoolgirls Reported Dead, Twenty Others Ill

An unconfirmed report reaching us from the Associated France Presse (AFP) indicates that two of the abducted Chibok Schoolgirls have died from snakebite, while twenty others are ill.   

The Associated Press quotes a Boko Haram intermediary who claims that two of the girls abducted from Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok, Borno State have died from snakebite. This news will come as a blow to the millions of Nigerians and people from around the world who have joined the #BringBackOurGirls Movement, demanding for the release of the schoolgirls in good condition.

Yesterday, during the Presidential Media Chat, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan had said that an encouraging bit of news so far is the fact that there has been no report of loss of lives. However this morning, the Boko Haram insurgents released a new video claiming credit for the kidnap and vowing to sell the girls off. A member of the sect also told the Associated Press that two of the girls have now died due to snakebite, while 20 others are ill.

The Boko Haram member further said that the sect was ready to negotiate ransoms for the girls. The man, who claimed to be an Islamic scholar, also said that the Christians among the girls have been forced to convert to Islam.

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